Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy Birthday

As with any loss of a loved one, people have all sorts of different beliefs and ideas of where their souls went and when, or if, we will see them again.  Everyone has been more than willing to share their individual beliefs with us over the past two weeks and I find it so interesting to hear about how differently people look at death and life after.
For example, a dear friend of ours wrote me this morning to tell me of her Cherokee beliefs.  The Native Americans have many spiritual and supernatural beliefs and when someone dies, they believe that, for a short time, they come back as a bird.  As she was sitting in her home today and reading the birthday card she had planned on sending my dad, a red bird appeared at her window and began pecking at the glass.  It continued for a while until she said to it, "Is that you Dinger?  If so, Happy Birthday!" and then it flew away.  It is nice to think that he is back to visit us for a bit, in whatever form.
Many people have told us that he is in Heaven and that we will be reunited with him again someday.  I like to imagine that for his birthday today, he booked a 7 am tee time and has been playing a few rounds with other friends and family members that have passed.  Its so healing to think that those that have passed will be reunited with us once again in a better place and I love feeling that my dad had a few friendly faces to welcome him home.
Other people believe that the dead are laid to rest, literally, and that they will continue sleeping until the next coming of Jesus on Earth.  At this time, they will raise to be judged, rejoin with their families, and will walk the Earth in paradise.  Just in case, we dressed him in his t-shirt from his trip to Agusta, his golf shoes, and his golfing glove so when he awakes he can start right in with his next golf game :-)
Regardless of what the belief is,  I know that it gives me solace to feel that my father is in a better place and no longer suffering- no matter where it is, or what form his spirit takes.

Today my dad would've turned 59.  Instead of filling out a card with birthday wishes, I am sitting down on this gloomy day to write a goodbye letter to my him to put in his coffin.  I wasn't able to say goodbye to him in person before he passed so getting my feelings on paper and giving it to him now is the next best that I can do.  On Friday, the 30th, my family was spread out all over the parents were in Mexico getting treatment for my dad, my brother was in Texas visiting friends, and I was working in Colorado.  I never get service at one of my schools so I had left my phone in the car that day- big mistake.  While desperately trying to find a way to get my dad back to the United States before he passed, my mom had called me several times in the early afternoon to get me on a plane to come be with them.  I didn't get the message until 3:30 and she wanted me in San Diego by 6.  I went straight to the airport and felt like all the stars were aligned perfectly when a nice lady at Frontier helped me get a flight at 4:30 that would land a bit before 6.  I prayed the entire way to San Diego for the Lord not to take him until I could arrive and felt like my prayers were answered when we landed 15 minutes earlier than expected.  Unfortunately, he had passed away as soon as my flight took off and the text I sent him telling him how much I loved him never got received.  So hopefully this letter will bring some closure to the guilt that I feel for not being there during his last moments on Earth.

After popping open a bottle of my dad's favorite sparkling wine and toasting his short, but incredibly blessed life on this birthday that he never got to celebrate, we are looking forward to reuniting with our family in a few hours.  This weekend will be our closure of two weeks of planning, mourning, and remembering.  Happy Birthday Dad.

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