Monday, March 25, 2013

Cooking with Meals 2 Heal

It all started with a cookbook full of cancer-fighting, immune system-boosting recipes that included foods I had never heard of like quinoa, kale, and chard. That cookbook, written by the Ceres Community Project, planted a seed that grew into a fully-functioning foundation in less than a year. In the pages of that book was written the story of a kitchen run by local teens in which nutritious foods are prepared and then delivered by angels to homes, free-of-charge to families fighting the biggest battle of their lives against cancer. We set out to replicate this program in Nashville and today I was able to finally experience the fruits of our labor.

Since its inception, I have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this foundation a success. I have redone the website, answered emails, made phone calls, signed on celebs, asked for auction items, updated forms and Facebook and basically done whatever I could from 1,000 miles away. All the while, little elves worked day-in and day-out in Nashville to set up a healing kitchen. Every phone call and text message kept me abreast of the daily happenings and I was able to feel as though I was walking the journey with them all. Like distant relatives, I've known of each and every person that has chosen to intertwine their lives with that of our Foundation. I've known their resumes, backgrounds, reasons for getting involved, interests, schedules, and life stories but, until today, they could have passed me in the street and I wouldn't have recognized their faces.

I couldn't believe the emotion that overwhelmed me when I stood in the pantry of our kitchen two days ago and looked at all the mason jars filled with grains, the freezer bursting with labeled containers of meats,  and all the pots and pans, mixers, and utensils that were donated by friends and family from all over the US. Every ounce of sweat and tears that have been shed over getting this kitchen up-and-running was completely worth it.

The feelings only got better as, today, I was able to see the kitchen in full operation.
Decked out in my hat and very own blue apron, 7 other busy volunteers and I sterilized more Snapware containers that I knew what to do with and chopped cranberries, walnuts, green beans, onions, kale, and squash for meals. I put faces to names and laughed with people who worked for 4 hours to lovingly prep food for 6 clients and their caretakers who are living the same hell we did two years ago. We began the day with a prayer and ended it with securing a new sponsor for our golf tournament and in all the hours spent in between, I learned more than how to properly clean mushrooms (don't wash them) or how to cut tomatoes without squishing them all over the counter (peel down).  I learned today that there is no greater joy than the feeling you get when you faithfully walk the path laid out for you, regardless of how difficult or scary, and you give freely of your time, talent, and treasure to better the world around you. It's truly amazing what we are able to accomplish together. And it all starts with just the seed of an idea.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Home is Where the Heart Is

When you grow up in a football family, you come to realize very early on that you live the life of a nomad, never able to attach yourself to one place or home. My standard answer when people ask me where I'm from is "everywhere". As I was growing up, we moved 6 times from state to state and since I graduated from high school, my family has called another 4 states "home". My mother was a pro at packing, unpacking, decorating, and organizing and made every move exciting for us kids with little road trips and excursions to acquaint us with our new surroundings. While we loved everywhere we lived, we were never able to stay for more than 5 years. We didn't get attached to people or places; knowing all along that we'd be picking up and leaving soon. I always envied my friends and family members that were able to stay in the same home and keep the same friends for their entire lives. But, on the flip side, our moves made us more flexible and taught us that houses are really just bricks and mortar full of possessions and when we have to leave them, our love and family turn houses into homes somewhere else.

After 4+ years of being on the market, our house in Colorado is finally under contract. I knew it was coming eventually, and after three showings with the same family in a week, I knew the phone call from my mom today was going to deliver some bad news. As now I begin the frenzied search for a place to live by April (add that to my already heaping plate of wedding planning, foundation work, tutoring, and my job!), I can't help but look around at the space that I've called home for so long and be heartbroken that this time has come. When my dad accepted his coordinating position with the Titans for the second time and my parents moved back to Nashville, I agreed to move into their home to keep it clean and watch over it while it was on the market. I could have never predicted that, 5 years later, I'd still be sitting in the living room remembering all the memories that have filled this massive home.

Throughout the 9,000 square feet are scattered memories of parties with great friends, wedding and baby showers thrown, a German Oktoberfest to celebrate my dad's birthday, fireworks in the driveway, Poms Christmas taco bars, and Brian's graduation party that lasted into the early morning hours. There's the time I sat at the kitchen table the day before Thanksgiving, surrounded by love with tears streaming down my face, unable to believe the news that had just been delivered to me. There are the s'mores cooked in the fire pit, days laying out by and cooling off in the water feature, football Sundays spent being lazy on the couch in the basement, Christmas cookies baking, and nights spent grilling out, listening to music, and dancing around the kitchen island. There are visits to the house as it was being built, memories of my parents choosing the perfect granite, light fixtures, and wood to finish off their dream house. There are family snow shoveling days, visits from out-of-town friends and the last conversation I ever had with my dad while sitting on the porch overlooking the mountains. There's the laughter and the tears and the memories that will never go away. I will carry them with me for the rest of my life, regardless of where I may hang my hat.

Now, I embark on a new that will allow Tim and I to make memories of our own in a new house that belongs to both of us. There will be our new family, our new laughter and our new tears to fill the space inside the brick and mortar that we choose together. It's exciting to write this new chapter in my life with him by my side. But, if it's true that home is where your heart is, then I guess a little part of me will always consider 1072 E. Michener Way a little more than the stone, concrete, and possessions that fill it- it will always be home.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Wedding Planning!

Last June, our Foundation ran a very successful and very fun golf tournament and silent auction that we planned and pulled off in just 7 months. I thought that was a lot of work to put together... then I got engaged.

For anyone who has ever planned a wedding, you know that it is almost a full time job. My head is swimming every day with save-the-dates, engagement pictures, guest lists, flower options, food options, venue options, decoration options, dress options, accessory options, invitation options, options, options, options! Thank goodness for my mother who is flying back once a month to help me put some of the pieces in place and check major things off my list!

For now, these are some of the things I have checked off that I'm most excited about:

I am so blessed to have 6 amazing bridesmaids that will be with me on our big day! These girls have seen me though some of my best and some of my most difficult times. Without a doubt, I would not be who I am today without the love, laughs and support these girls have given me in the last 9 years!

To ask them to share in our day, I pulled an idea (read: stole) from Pinterest and an amazing blog, Rinse Repeat.  My bridesmaids are some of the most important people in the world to me so I wanted them to feel as wonderful as they are! I painted cigar boxes from Michaels in our wedding colors and put some goodies inside each box for each of the girls. Included were: individualized picture albums of me with each of the girls, info about the wedding location, date, etc, and a gift card to put toward their expenses since all but 2 will have to travel! They turned out so darn cute!

The goodies inside!

Wedding Day Info.
Mini Photo Albums

Once all the girls said yes, we had to find a dress that would make them all feel beautiful! Thankfully Nordstrom came through with this beautiful Jenny Yoo dress.  The best part is that it can be worn in 15 different ways so each girl can choose what style looks best on her- or change the style every hour to have a different look! We chose it in purple, which definitely looks better than the color in the picture!
Flower Girls!
We have two of the cutest flower girls in the world! They are both daughters of Tim's great friends from high school and college and we are so blessed to have them joining us. Although my mother is opposed to them wearing white, I just had to have them in this sweet little dress from My Girl Dress. They will be so pretty- I can't wait to see them all dolled up!

We looked at several different places to hold our wedding and finally settled on the golf course that my Dad had deemed one of the most beautiful courses he'd ever played on. That is a big statement for someone who played Pebble Beach and Augusta! So, after seeing the beautiful scenery of The Sanctuary Golf Course for ourselves, we were sold. It also didn't hurt that the backdrop for our ceremony is Pikes Peak- where we got engaged. This venue is a little slice of heaven and really brings the mountains a little closer to home. It's also a huge plus that the staff has been AMAZING to work with this entire time!

I've also checked off my dress (but you can't see it yet), the hotels for everyone to stay at (but that's boring to show), save-the-dates (mailed out!), registry, ceremony and reception music, food tasting, flowers, and invitations! So much more to plan and take care of but hopefully, as we get closer, all the pieces will fall into place. I can't wait for our big day to get here- less than 160 days to go! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Cleansing away 2012

Last year, I started off 2012 with a bang! I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and I needed a change, in a big way. So, I joined a boot camp that one of my friends had referred me to and ended up changing my eating habits, getting healthy, and losing 20 pounds in 3 months!

Fast forward to the start of 2013...A few too many dinners out with friends, glasses of wine, holiday munchies and cookies from the cookie exchange and those same 20 pounds that I lost have somehow found me again! With our wedding only 156 days to go (yikes!) and my wedding dress sitting lonely in the bridal shop because I know it won't fit yet, I need to cleanse away my bad habits once again and get back on the wagon! It's now or never.

So, I went yesterday and bought the best toy in the world- my Juiceman juicer! Honestly, the most fun $80.00 I've spent...I know, I'm strange. One stop at Whole Foods, an hour later and voila! I have 5 different juices for the next 3 days to complete my juice cleanse.

Why a juice cleanse you may ask? Well, according to Joel Odhner (who is the creator of Catalyst Cleanse juices and works with Dr. Oz):
"When you drink fresh juice it goes into the body and can assimilate much quicker, which in turn gives you more energy and feeds your cells exactly what they need in order to function optimally. At the same time, the juice helps the body eliminate toxins in a very efficient manner. When you flush with juice, you give your digestive system a break—kind of a mini-vacation. I recommend doing three to five days of juicing at a time; it’s a great way to “reset” your whole body, gain mental clarity, increase your energy and maybe (just maybe) lose a little weight."
So there you have it!  A 3 day cleanse will be the jump-start I need for my body to get back into the swing of things!

The basics of the cleanse are this:
Drink 5 different 16 oz servings of freshly-made juice throughout the day
Drink herbal tea (decaf) and lots of water
Drink 1 serving of Almond milk to add some necessary fats to your cleanse. 

So, I made 2 different fruit juices and 3 green juices to drink each day. All of the ingredients were organic and cleaned like crazy before juicing them. I decided to just purchase the Almond Milk rather than making it myself- not as raw because of the preservatives but I like the taste of 365 Brand (Whole Foods) and if I'm drinking it plain for 3 days, I need to like the taste.

The first drink of today was a green juice with the following ingredients:
½ small lemon
handful of sprouts
1 cucumber
2 celery stalks
1 green apple
piece of ginger
4 kale leaves

The second was a fruit juice:
2-3 apples
8 carrots
1 inch ginger
This one was my favorite, by far! It was sweet and just like apple juice.  Plus carrots are SO good for you and sweet themselves so it was a good combo.

Then I did another green juice:

Another fruit juice:

And the last green juice:
3 celery
1 cucumber
1 pear
1 green apple
handful sprouts
small handful spinach
slice of lemon
2 strawberries (I didn't have any because they're not in season)
Sound odd, I know, but honestly it tasted like cucumbers and was surprisingly refreshing! 

The only worry I had was that I'd be starving all day but the juices are really filling so I haven't been hungry yet! Ready to ring in 2013 and to get rid of those pesky 20 pounds again! Who wants to join me?!