Sunday, September 2, 2012


3 years ago this month, Tim and I had our first date at an Avalanche game.  I was smitten immediately and was so excited when I realized that "the guy I love, loves me too!"  Throughout the last 3 years, we have been dealt some very difficult challenges; ones that most couples don't have to worry about for years into their lives together.  I knew he was the one I wanted by my side forever when we were able to face each set-back together and come out stronger every single time.  He is my best friend and I'm so blessed to be able to share my life with him. 

About 38 years ago, my dad showed up at my mom's house with an engagement ring tied to a single rose.  Yesterday, Tim honored my father by proposing to me in the same manner.  But, this time, instead of showing up at my house, we took a trip to the top of Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs and got engaged in one of the most beautiful spots I can think of!  Here's our story:

We have a tradition of planning a "stay-cation" each year to celebrate our anniversary.  Last year, I planned a fun trip to Aspen for us.  This year, we decided to celebrate a bit early and spend a weekend in Colorado Springs.  Our first stop was the Pikes Peak cog railway.

I was so nervous to take this train to the top of Pikes Peak (14,000+ feet high), because I distinctly remember my mother telling me how scary it was the last time she rode it.  There are times when the front of the train is literally 3 stories above the back!  But, after settling in to our hour and a half ride, I was really enjoying the scenery and the time that Tim and I had to just enjoy hanging out together.  When we arrived at the summit, we had about 30 minutes to get off the train, take in the beautiful scenery, and go to the restroom.  We hustled off the train, took a quick picture, and I ran to the restroom, only to find the usual 30-person line.  The only time that I wish I were a guy is when the women's restroom line is out the door and the guys just get to walk in and out in no time.  Seriously. 

When I finally finished and hunted Tim down outside, he wanted to take a picture with the amazing mountains behind us so he grabbed the nearest tourist and asked her to take our photo.  She did so without saying anything to us and then walked over to her husband...with our camera still in hand.  I remember thinking "What is this lady doing trying to steal our camera!"  and was so relieved when Tim went over to snatch it back from her.

When he turned around, he had a rose in hand with a ring tied to it and it was then that I realized that the crazy lady "stealing" our camera was actually Courtney, my best friend, whom I hadn't even recognized up until then.  Talk about a blonde moment!  Tim gave me an amazingly romantic speech that he had written, I started to cry, and he got down on one knee and popped the question!  Of course I said yes and we spent the last 10 minutes on the summit taking pictures with Courtney and Alex and celebrating.  I can't think of a more perfect proposal from a more perfect guy...can't wait for this new chapter in our lives together!!!

Celebrating with great friends!

Heading back down the mountain with my fiance!


  1. I'm such a sucker for sentimental moments and reading this made me cry with happiness for you!! Blessings my friend for a long life of more memorable moments like this. Laurie

  2. Just got such goosebumps. So happy for you both!! Enjoy this exciting time of planning and loving on each other!! :)
