Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year, New Me

Yet another year has arrived.  I can't believe how quickly time flies as I get older.  Last year we began 2011 with the hopes of miracles that never came.  As the year wound down, I found myself evaluating my life and searching, as many do, for a resolution that will help change things for the better during 2012.  Last year, I found myself needing some more "me" time so my official resolution was to read 2 books a month.  I signed up for Shelfari to track my reading selections and spent my salary on several books throughout the year, both "real" ones and electronic ones for my iPad (obsessed!)  I easily met my goal of reading 24 books during the year and was able to get lost in some really great stories in the meantime...

But, as it was, life hit us square in the face and required a few more changes and a focus on life that far exceeded a commitment to read a book or two.  Watching someone you love dearly fade away while fighting a disease that took over their body will make you reevaluate everything you do in life;  I gladly followed suit when my family chose to begin researching ways to prevent cancer.  I changed my diet, my outlook on life, my priorities- even the water that I drink.  Once you begin reading about all the stuff that is put in our food and how it effects our bodies, it's like a just can't help but change every aspect of your life.  So, a year later, I guess I've changed a lot more than just my reading habits.

With the official beginning of our Foundation, I felt that I could do more this year than just reading a few stories.  Since we are going to be trying to teach others about the dangers of certain foods, I felt that it was about time for me to put my money where my mouth is and really jump feet first into healthy living.  30 pounds have been following me around in very unattractive spots on my body for about 10 years now.  All of the shots I took and the late-night Taco Bell runs finally caught up with me once I joined the working world...and I've been trying to lose them ever since.  I have tried pretty much EVERY diet known to man.  You name it, I've failed at it.  Weight Watchers, Slimgenics, Nutrasystem, personal trainers, SlimQuick pills, Hydroxycut...EVERYTHING!  I either get frustrated after not losing enough weight and give up or I get so starving that I see stars and can't stand another minute without "good" foods.  Well, I guess my new year's resolution for 2012 is to put an end to that cycle, stop making excuses, and finally do what I know it takes to be healthy.

I started Maximized Living boot camp last Friday.  A coworker of mine (thanks Lindsay) had lost 30 pounds through the same boot camp last year and has raved about the program so much that she finally sold me on it!  Little did I know that meeting Dr. Joe would be the ultimate kick-in-the-butt that I needed to put into action all the research that I had been doing about preventing cancer.  This program is about more than just losing weight, it's about completely changing your lifestyle- mind and body to live a healthy life.  Dr. Joe and this program just fit in so well with everything we believe.  He even has a Kangen water machine (magic water!) for his office and patients to use- I heard that and knew that I was in good hands!  I weighed in on Friday and was honestly shocked at how much I had let myself get up to; I was the heaviest I had EVER been.  It wasn't shocking since I've always been an emotional eater and I've had more than my fair share of emotion in the last 5 months but there was no excuse for the weight I was.  Right then, I chose to do something for myself for once in my life and 4 days later, after my first weigh-in, I'm down 5 pounds, full of energy, and so excited about confronting my weight and getting rid of it!  Instead of making excuses, I'm changing my life for the better and making 2012 the HEALTHIEST year of my life!  How's that for a resolution? :-)

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