Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friday at Home

I officially know that I'm out of the 20-something going-out stage when I'm home on a Friday night and the most exciting thing that I can think of to do is update the look of my blog (not very well, obviously, since nothing is centered) and write a new post.  I did begin the night by spending a few wonderful hours catching up with Courtney, my best friend, and eating everything on the P.F. Changs menu.  I mean, she is eating for two ( out of the bag!) and I had to keep up ;-)  Then we went to the new H&M and checked out all the great clothes they had to offer.  I ended up spending over $200.  In a store that is well known for it's cheap but stylish clothing, I am convinced that I picked out the most expensive item in there- an $80 winter coat.  It was so cute though that it was worth it and it was so much fun to catch up with my good friend!

Everyone has been asking how I've been doing lately.  My new answer is, "I'm coping".  If I said I was ok, I'd be lying and if I really told people how I've been feeling, the answer would be much longer and more involved than they would have time for or even care to listen to.  So, coping it is.  It's so weird to me that I'll be in the middle of doing mundane, every day activities and the tears will just start to flow.  Can't listen to country songs for fear that a Kenny Chesney song will remind me of the last birthday I was able to celebrate with him.  Can't watch football because knowing that I won't see him calling plays on the sideline is just too much to handle.  I moved his golf clubs out of my garage the other day so that I wouldn't have to see them every morning that I walked to my car.  And, thank goodness my mom hasn't yet turned his phone off- I call it regularly just to hear him when the voice mail picks up.  I feel like I've been walking around like half a person- in zombie mode- just trying to get through the day.  After over a month, I feel like any normal person would be starting to get back to life by now...but I guess everyone heals differently and at different paces.  

The girls at Rachel's wedding
To give me something positive and happy to look forward to, I'm currently counting down the days until I'm reunited with my best friends from college (only 5 to go!!).  Spending time with them will be just what the doctor ordered after a few tough weeks and I can't wait to see them, cheer on our Devils on Saturday, meet baby Aubrey, eat some Oreganos, and just relax!  If there's one thing that I learned from my father, it was to never make yourself so busy that you can't make time for people that matter.  Despite his 100+ hour work weeks, he always made time for us kids, for my mom, and for weekly Monday phone calls with his dad.  I have been very lucky to have a group of friends that have been able to stay close throughout the last 7ish years although we are spread all over the world (literally.... Kate left us for Australia!) and don't get to see each other often.  We have supported each other through some great times and some really tough ones and have outlasted every disagreement along the way!  I am blessed to have such wonderful friends and the time and the means to be able to travel to see them next weekend!

Happy weekend everyone! :-)


  1. We are so thrilled to see you and hug you! XXOO :)

  2. Keep on coping girl! Take the time you need but I feel like you would make Dinger proud doing things for yourself like dinner with Court and a trip to AZ! Can't wait xoxo!
