Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Here Goes Nothin...

Well, it's official.  I have broken down and become part of the blogging world.  I've always been one of those people that never could quite understand why sharing every detail about your life with your 400 closest friends via Twitter and constant Facebook posts is an ok thing to do.  To be completely honest, I just never felt that my life was all that exciting and couldn't fathom why people would want to read about every detail of it!  More recently, I've been reading some of the blogs that my dear friends have started and have begun to think that blogging is a great way to keep in touch with everyone!

The last year of life has been say the least.  There have been many ups and downs and everything in between.  Decisions have been made that have changed major parts of my life and, because of that, I have freed up time to get back to living, and loving life.  As I stare down the barrel at 30 years old and look at all the adventures that I have had during my 20's, the thought of being able to share what's going on out here in Denver with everyone is an exciting prospect!  I can't wait to see where this world of blogging will take me.  I'm really hoping that it's not going to end up like every diet, exercise program, and promise to cook more often has!  Thanks for coming along on this journey with me :-)

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