Saturday, January 25, 2014


"It’s funny how you can still love a person, but you stop needing them like you used to. -Dawson's Creek.

When the show Dawson's Creek began, I was in high school. We didn't have cell phones yet, we had to *69 people to see who had called us,  and my family was so excited to get call waiting at our house so my hours on the phone wouldn't block others from calling in! Rather than texting at school, we would pass intricately folded notes to one another with details for the weekend, gossip from class, and a little acronym BFF signed at the bottom. Best Friends Forever. Those were the days. When you truly believed that you and your "Bestie" would stay close forever. (Just like you thought you'd still be with that guy you were dating senior year!) But friends change, people grow apart, and lives move on. As time passes and life evolves, so do the people in it.

I believe that people are brought into our lives to serve purposes...there's the friend that mentors you through your first job, the drinking buddy to serve as a wingman every night at the bars, your neighbor who trades days watching the kids, the life-long girlfriend who sits with you and cries while your heart is breaking, the girl who knows all the new fashions to help you pick out an outfit and shop-til-you-drop, the friend you go to all your sporting events with, the partner you started your business with, the lady who runs your book club or bible study...the list goes on and on. Each of these friends is brought to us because, at that time or sometime down the road, we will need them or they, us. Although the reason is not always clear, they are purposeful relationships, and like anything with purpose, they are useful... until they're not.  Once a friendship has served its purpose, it is natural for lives to move along down different paths. Not to say those people will always completely exit your life, but they will definitely take a giant leap back from their leading role.

Throughout my childhood, we moved several times. Not just from house to house but, most of the time, we trekked across the entire country and back again as job after job called my dad to a different sideline. (Ahh...the life of a football child.) At that young age, friendships are built out of convenience, if nothing more. We become friends with others that are located within walking distance of our house for play dates, those who are children of our parents' friends, or, as we grow into school age, those that are in our class. I have no friendships to this day that lasted throughout the years from this stage of my life. I would bet that not many of us do. Before the age of Facebook and cell phones, once we moved on to a new state, so did our relationships.

When my dad passed away, I remember my family realizing very quickly the futility of some friendships. People we had shared laughs with throughout the years suddenly dropped off the map or did little to try and help during our darkest days. At the time, coupled with all the other emotions we were feeling, we became hurt, confused, even angry.  With the blessing of hindsight, I now understand that during tough times some people just don't know HOW to handle it or WHAT to say. So, instead they often say and do nothing. As I get older (and wiser), I am beginning to realize that I care less about having friends in my life that will always rejoice with me, but prefer to surround myself with people that I know I can also count on in my hour of need. Life is tough. While there are friendships of varying degrees and purposes, I cherish those in my life that know what to say, what to do, and when it's time for no words at all. Those are true friends. Eventually, my family started focusing not on the friendships that were lost, but those that were gained from our experience. In our hour of need, we developed stronger bonds with people who had been in the background all along, and we nurtured new relationships with people brought to us by circumstance.

We all move into different phases of life- and with it, friendships ebb and flow. Some fall by the wayside to return again in the future, some strengthen, new ones develop, and others sever completely. They won't always be the same and nor should they be. Friendships that are lasting are the ones that easily, and sometimes naturally, adapt to all the changes life brings us- babies, marriages, divorces, deaths, moves, jobs and interests. It is those friendships that can withstand the test of time. I have only a handful of true friends but, knowing that I have people surrounding me now that I can count on for some good belly laughs and a good, cleaning cry, makes me feel beyond blessed.

Monday, January 6, 2014

We Made It!

Looking back at 2013, I realize that I have been a horrible blogger this year. Maybe my resolution in 2014 should be to keep up with my writing?? I can honestly say that 2013 was a roller coaster ride with some pretty amazing "ups" and some heart-wrenching "downs"'d think I'd be used to that after the last few years.  I'm more than ready to welcome in 2014 and see what new adventures will be brought our way! In the meantime, here is our year in review:

New Home:
As Tim and I began our life together, and were faced with the sale of my family's home, we had the great decision of whether we would like to purchase a home of our own or rent an apartment for a while to save money. After analyzing all the housing trends in Denver and looking at some seriously small shoebox apartments that cost more than our current mortgage, we chose (wisely) to look for a home of our own! SEVERAL showing appointments, sleepless nights, and headaches later and we were HOMEOWNERS!
We're Parker People
Now that we're all moved in, I have to say that I just LOVE LOVE LOVE our new home! Thanks to mom for all the beautiful hand-me-down decor and to my aunt for the amazing home-made curtains. With their love, it's made our house a home and a place that I look forward to coming back to every day.  Now if I could just find time to take care of all the projects I find on Pinterest...

Saying Goodbye:
The biggest down of our year came at the beginning of May, the day before we moved in. After a two year battle with cancer, we had to say good-bye to Tim's mom, Maricela. It's not every day you meet someone as strong, friendly, and inspirational as she was. No matter how much pain she was in, she always had a smile on her face, a kind word to speak to others, and a prayer to bless you. She fought long and hard, going through several surgeries before the "C" word finally took her. Selfishly, I wish every day that I had more time to get to know her as my mother-in-law and that she would be here to meet her grandchildren, but we know she is walking through every day with us and that she is in the most wonderful of places.

Our Wedding!
On June 7, I was beyond blessed to say "I Do" to the most amazing man. Our wedding was absolutely PERFECT and I know that both of our parents were watching down on us from the best seats in the house as we exchanged our vows, toasted with great friends, and danced the night away. I felt like a princess and, per everyone's advice, just tried to take in every last bit of the day. From the amazing views at the Sanctuary, to our Pinkberry and Bundt Cake desserts, not one detail was out of place and it makes me want to do it over, and over again! Rachel captured the night the best on her blog, A Sarti Party. Here are some of my favorite pictures!
The most beautiful Bridesmaids!
My beautiful dress!

My new family :-)
Walking down with my amazing grandfather
We're married!
Saying Goodbye Again:
Immediately after the wedding, we had to move my mom out of our family home. This event was met with many tears and emotion, as I captured with this post.

2nd Annual Drive 4 Dinger Golf Tournament
For the second year in a row, we were able to bring together some of our closest friends and family to celebrate the life of my father and the success of our foundation, The Heimerdinger Foundation. The weekend began with a silent and live auction and concluded with a beautiful day of golf at Legends, the course my dad basically lived on. We were able to raise almost $90,000 for our program and it was so wonderful to catch up with everyone and remember the person that was my father.

After such an overwhelming month, Tim and I were ecstatic to spend our Honeymoon in Kauai, HI. We took off immediately after the golf tournament and spent an entire week with sun, sand, drinks, relaxation, and love! There was not one thing that we hated about the island (well...maybe the roosters that weren't clear when they were supposed to crow) and we absolutely cannot wait to get back again! Our favorite parts of the trip were the shaved ice the size of our heads and the beaches we had all to ourselves!  It was amazing and just what the doctor ordered!
Well, there you have it! It was one memorable year. Here's to 2014 and all the wonderful memories it will bring! Happy New Year!