Monday, June 11, 2012

The Coaching Gene

Coaching is a profession of love.
You can't coach people unless you love them.
-Eddie Robinson

I was born into a family of wonderful coaches.  You could say that coaching is in my blood.  My grandfather was a legendary athletic director and football coach in DeKalb, Illinois.  And, of course, I grew up watching my father in his coaching element.  From meager beginnings with the Johnsburg High School football program to earning 2 Superbowl rings, and coaching several quarterbacks to the Pro Bowl and MVP titles, he worked his way up the ladder by dedicating his life to the players he saw on the field.  I was blessed to receive his amazing coaching advice on more than one occasion, even when he didn't know anything about the sport I was competing in (figure skating?).  I received more than one trait from my father- his face, his temper, his sarcasm, his loyalty, his hair (thank goodness:-) but the one trait that I feel so blessed to have received is his love for and ability to coach.  

When I stepped into the commons at Rock Canyon High School 7 years ago as the new JV Poms coach, I had no idea where this coaching gene would take me.  I knew that I loved to dance.  I knew that I had some extra time and wanted to get involved.  I knew that I had LOVED every second of my time in high school poms.  But, when I told my athletic director that I'd dedicate 3 years to this program, I had no clue that I would double that, and love every minute of it.  Of course, there were rough times and lots of tears but I wouldn't change our 2 State Championships, consecutive appearances in finals at Nationals, and the numerous life-long relationships that we formed.  We cried, laughed, and grew together and I feel so very blessed that I had each and every one of those poms and their families in my life. 

Once we received information that my dad wasn't expected to live past December, I felt that I needed  to step away from coaching after 6 seasons with the program.  Last week I received a very touching email from our Foundation saying that a donation had been made by the Rock Canyon Poms team to our Drive 4 Dinger golf tournament.  As I read through the names of those that donated to this cause that is so near and dear to my heart, I literally broke down and cried right there in my car.  The truth is, when I walked away, I thought that would be the last time I would hear from the girls, the families, and the program that I had built and loved so much.  I was so wrong.  Coaching truly is a profession of love and I find it such a blessing that, somewhere in between the 2 minute routines, half time shows, and fundraisers, I was able to touch a few lives and create lasting relationships with so many amazing, giving people.  Coaches may not always get credit for their great accomplishments, but knowing that I'm still being supported by these families that I spent so much time with and cared about so much, is really all the validation that I need.

Now I know why my dad spent so many grueling days at the office.  He wasn't one for the glory or publicity and, at the beginning, he sure didn't do it for the money.  He did it for the players he coached and the relationships he built along the way.  I'm lucky to have been able to follow in his footsteps...I really learned from one of the best.

Thank you, RCHS Poms!  Your continued support and love is so appreciated!!!